Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What a Difference a Year Makes

May 16, 2005

My post on May 16 last year (my email, actually) began like this:
First things first, Charlotte came through her surgery beautifully. The surgeon
told us that they encountered no surprises or complications and he was very
pleased with the surgery.
It is hard to believe that it has been a year since the longest day in our parenting lives. We spent last May and June in such a fog that we had no idea Illinois was experiencing a drought (seriously). This spring will be spent replanting the front yard that we lost to weather and bugs. I had intended to put together a photo-montage of the past year, but as anyone with little kids understands, I just haven't had time. That's a good thing.
Last May 16 we sat vigil in the surgical waiting room and then next to Charlotte in her pod. Today, Philippe is in Boston on business. Charlotte and I ran some errands and spent some time in the park with her buddies Will and Madison and Finn (and their moms, of course).
Honestly, last May I could not have imagined having my frog-baby in a swing. Okay, she's got a g-tube and she vomited up her dinner. And I'm listening to the pump feed her last 5 ounces of the day while she sleeps. But, hey, we went to the grocery store in the rain, cruised Roscoe Street seeking raffle prizes for the Children's Service Board Gold Coast Fashion Show, and met Silke and Finn at the park (Where we ran into Meg with Maddie and Will). Charlotte giggled a lot today and snuggled her head into my neck when I read her a goodnight story. We had a great conversation, though I'm not sure what we talked about (da da da pa pa pa pfffffffft to you, too).
We may have a long way to go to resolve our feeding issues (or maybe they will magically disappear), but Charlotte, you've come a long way, baby!

May 16, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WTG Charlotte!!! You are one AMAZING little girl!!! And a true inspiration to many people!