New York City.
Yesterday someone asked me how Charlotte liked New York City. I said that for her it probably didn’t seem that different from home: We started the day at Starbucks, played in a local playground and then warmed up in the Children’s section of Barnes & Noble. And, no, I’m not getting paid for product placement. (That would be nice though, wouldn’t it?!)
As usual, traveling isn’t the best treatment for Charlotte’s reflux. For some reason, she was gagging a lot on Saturday and Sunday before we left Chicago, so we did not have high hopes for the airplane or travel day. We got lucky, actually. Charlotte had one urpcident on Sunday. Sadly, it was in the middle of the night after her bedtime feed. That’s the worst time, as far as I’m concerned. It disrupts her sleep and seems quite painful.
On Monday she was still quite gaggy, but I needed to make up for having underfed her on Sunday. (When we travel, we never pump her en route. We let her eat what she will to avoid urping.) Sadly, after her nap, she had a reflux episode in the stroller on 3rd Avenue. Chalk it up to New York, no one noticed or said a word!
Today, she was back to eating as she has been for a few weeks—about 50% by mouth. She had a small gag at breakfast, but nothing dramatic.
The odd thing is her napping. At home she naps 90 minutes, no more, no less. You can set your clock by it. Yesterday she napped for 2+ hours. I wasn’t surprised because she hadn’t napped well on the flight and her sleep had been interrupted Sunday night. Today, she napped for more than 3 hours! I was shocked. And a bit bummed, because I had a fun outing planned that we had to skip.
All in all, Charlotte’s first trip to the Big Apple has been just another couple of days for her—playgrounds, coffee bars, and story time. She’s enjoyed being paraded around Daddy’s office and going to restaurants with Mommy and Daddy.
Tomorrow, it’s off to New Jersey to charm her cousins.