Sunday, September 16, 2007

18 or Why I Haven't Blogged about Eating in a While

Eighteen is a wonderful number in the Jewish tradition. The Hebrew letters, het and yod, that make up the number 18 also spell the word "living." For that, and a variety of other reasons, the number 18 is a lucky number. Jews frequently wear its symbol around their neck, we say "L'chaim" ("To Life") when we toast one another, and we give multiples of 18 when we make philanthropic donations.

At our house today, 18 is a particularly wonderful number. Charlotte has not vomited in 18 days. This is the longest period of time without a vomit since our 15 day streak in January. And it follows a very long, terrible period of daily humongous vomits.

So, how is eating going? Check it out.

Charlotte is drinking +90% of what we ask her to drink (600 mls of Pediasure) daily. She's taking an average of 440 calories in solid food (puree mostly) each day. She runs to the table for meals instead of away from the table. She feeds herself. Well, sometimes. She's excited to try new foods and to eat fresh fruits. This week she tried (and LOVED) brussel sprouts (pureed with lots of butter and chicken broth, of course). She also loves it when we all eat together and she has the same food as mommy and daddy, even if hers is the mushy version.

I won't know about her weight gain until tomorrow, but I'm optimistic.

Best of all, meals have been fun for all of us.


Tracy said...

Now THAT'S sweet news to start the year off! Onward and upward, Charlotte (or in your case, perhaps we should toast to "inward and downward" :-)

Happy eating,


Anonymous said...

Boy are we honored......a bunch of the Ardell clan gets 'sips';-). I cannot BELIEVE how well she is eating.....for the first time since she was an infant, I can't WAIT to feed her!!

:-)Edie(Evie) and John

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Charlotte! I'll take sips for you when I have lunch.
Love, Bamma

Vicky Vacation said...

Appreeciate you blogging this