Monday, November 05, 2007

Charlotte Reads: Announcing a New Blog Feature

Charlotte's medical updates are fewer and further (farther?) between, so I've decided to add a regular feature to the blog: Charlotte Reads. I've thought about making a separate blog, but Philippe suggested I keep it here.

Charlotte Reads will be just that--Charlotte reading her favorite books with me, her dad, Karley, or whoever is there when I turn the videocamera or Zoom H2 on. The mission: To share the books that Charlotte is enjoying (hmm...obsessing over?) at the moment. It grows out of my not wanting to compete with the fabulous kidslit bloggers out there and not wanting to write more book reviews and not wanting to have a kidslit blog of my own. Charlotte's interaction with the book will serve as its own sort of "review."

And in most cases she will not be reading The Cinema of Latin America, although it is one of her current faves.

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