Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Happy Hanukah!!

Or is it Hanukkah? Or Chanukah?
And while we're on the subject, do you pronounce latke laht-kuh or laht-key?

These are the age-old questions of the holiday!

And, in case you were wondering, when Charlotte woke up on Tuesday, she was more excited that it was mommy's birthday (was it tacky of me to mention that?) than that Hanukah was about to begin. Of course, once she opened her present, that was all over! The KidKraft Menorah had to sit on the windowsill during her bath and then on her bookshelf when we put her to bed. The minute she came downstairs this morning, she declared "Mommy brought Charlotte's Hanukah downstairs! Charlotte play with that?"
Josh Malina was recently quoted in People magazine discussing his family's Hanukah celebration:
Hanukkah celebrates a time when Jews weren't allowed to observe their religion,
but they still did. It's about being proud of who you are. I feel power in the
fact that when I'm lighting Hanukkah candles, Jews all around the world are
doing the same thing. We feel the same way.
In that spirit, I leave you all with my best wishes for a wonderful Hanukah and with the words of Debbie Friedman, "Be gracious to the ones I love and bless them with goodness and mercy and peace."

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