Monday, March 23, 2009

A Role Model?

"You're my friend, Taylor." Clearly! And, no, Taylor is not a shrimp; Charlotte is a giant.

Last night Charlotte's good buddy Taylor came over for a playdate and dinner (with her parents, of course). She quickly declared my chicken chili delicious (it was) and ate about 3 bites.

Then, Taylor's dad was trying to get Taylor to eat a bit more. [Aside: This always makes us feel good because it means we're not the only ones who have to push our kid to eat.] So, I said, "Hey Charlotte, show Taylor how you can take a big bite of soup." She said, "Sure. It's yummy." And, damned if she didn't shovel another spoonful, chock full of chicken and veggies, into her mouth.

In the end, Andy definitely got Taylor to eat a lot more than Charlotte, but I was stunned.

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