Thoughts on Earth Week at School
by Charlotte
Editor's note: I've put this into past tense as Earth Week was the week of 4/22. I'm not sure if Charlotte thinks this post is complete, but I wanted to get it up so we can get her to write more!
Editor's note: I've put this into past tense as Earth Week was the week of 4/22. I'm not sure if Charlotte thinks this post is complete, but I wanted to get it up so we can get her to write more!
Earth Week was a few weeks ago and the whole school made a special effort to be good to the Earth. We had Black Out Day--No one used the computer or lights for the whole entire day. The directrice didn't use the computer. Same fro the teachers. For me the rule is "Every Day is Earth Day,"* which means we should treat the Earth well every day!
You know, we live on the earth and if the earth was not there, humans would not be here either. Wouldn't it be different? At lunch I watched a film about the different places on Earth and who lives in those places? I saw a desert, the ocean, sea turtles, and sea stars! I also saw coral reefs! I have a question...why do playgrounds have woodchips? Did you know that you have to cut down a lot of trees to make woodchips?
When you color it and you don't like your picture, don't throw it out because that's wasting trees. Instead, turn the paper over! What if you already used both sides? Then you put it in the recycling bin! That helps the earth a lot because the paper won't go to a big heap in the earth and add up to the space in the earth that's covered in trash and just sitting there polluting the earth. And that helps the animals especially birds because they need clean air to live!
*Charlotte picked this idea up from one of our favorite Fancy Nancy books, Every Day is Earth Day. Read more about it at Culture Bean. (Yes, that's a blatant plug!)
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