Monday, June 27, 2005

Coming Home Tomorrow

Okay, here’s the big news. The news everyone, no one more than us, has been waiting for. Charlotte is coming home tomorrow! Yes, after 7 weeks, our little pumpkin is coming home. With oxygen and an NG tube, but home.

She’s out of PICU and Philippe is staying with her at the hospital tonight. Tomorrow is a big day—one more in-patient echocardiogram, x-rays, and check out. Then we have to get home to meet the couriers with NG supplies and oxygen supplies; get her prescriptions delivered; and have a visit from the home health care nurse to learn how to use all of our paraphernalia.

As for yesterday’s update--well, most of you guessed that Charlotte had fewer tubes on her face. Correct! And a few of you noted specifically that she had only her NG feeding tube, no oxygen. Also, correct. The PICU team decided to take her off oxygen this past weekend. She did really well, but she was breathing awfully fast, sleeping a lot as a result, and not waking up to take her bottle. So…baby is back on oxygen (.25 liter, for those of you keeping track).

I’m sure you can all imagine the range of emotions we’re feeling—relief, glee, triumph, fear. Like any new parents, we’re wondering how anyone decided that we’re allowed to take care of a baby (okay, I’m wondering. I shouldn’t talk for Philippe). I’m reminded of Kath saying that you need a license to drive a car, but any idiot can have a child. Hmm….. Anyway, if you don’t hear from us for a few days, it’s probably because it will take us a few days to figure everything out and get into a groove. We’ve got a pretty strict schedule of medications and feeding (at least as long as she has an NG tube) to get used to. And, we’ve got to get the house organized to actually have her here (should we have thought of that earlierJ?). And, we’ve got to figure out getting around with her and her oxygen, feeding pump, etc. so that I won’t be stuck in the house.

If you’re wondering, Philippe is off until July 18. Thank G-d!!

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