Wednesday, March 21, 2007

12:15 p.m CST

The repair is complete and Charlotte is off of the heart & lung machine. The doctors cleaning up the bleeding and getting ready to close her up. That should take another hour. Then they'll take her (still asleep) to the PICU and get her all wired up there. Another hour. Then we get to see her.

All went as planned. In fact, they had expected to use a homograft for her arterioplasty, assuming that scar tissue from the previous surgery would mean she had no pericardium (her own tissue) to make a patch. But, our miraculous kid had enough of her own tissue. As Julie told us, it won't make a difference in recovery or anything, but it's always nice to use the child's own tissue.

We'll see Dr. Backer in about 30 minutes and then go take a lunch break. Thanks for sharing our vigil with us.

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